News & Thoughts

Our insights into recruitment, employment and the world we work in
More than half of us report our mental health as ‘not good’: 5 reasons you should care, and 5 ways to fix it

More than half of us report our mental health as ‘not good’: 5 reasons you should care, and 5 ways to fix it

Our mental health and day-to-day wellbeing are affected by numerous things, whether individually or in combination. Things like illness, bereavement, social life or lack thereof, your job and the security of it, your family circumstances among many other things. For so many of us, work is a huge part of our lives – we spend hours a day there, and it has a direct effect on our lives and wellbeing. It really isn’t a surprise that how we feel at work can impact the rest of our lives outside of the office.
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Women in Finance: we've still got a way to go

Women in Finance: we've still got a way to go

We’re halfway through 2024, and whilst we shouldn’t need to be still having the conversation around the gender wage gap, and how women are kept out of boardrooms and passed over for opportunities, we are. Many businesses shout the words equality and diversity from various rooftops, yet despite these good intentions, these gaps and deficiencies still exist.
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Betsy Smith: The story so far

Betsy Smith: The story so far

It’s been two years and seven months since the powerhouse that is Betsy Smith joined our team. If you’ve met her, you’ll know what we’re talking about. A dynamic bundle of personality, professionalism and a massive drive to succeed makes Betsy stand out in the busiest of rooms. She was recently promoted to Senior Consultant, and we thought it was high time to get her thoughts on what life is like at Sewell Wallis. Take it away, Bets!
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Transitioning to Finance recruitment: three months in

Transitioning to Finance recruitment: three months in

It’s been three months since Inci joined my team at Sewell Wallis – it’s absolutely flown over, and she’s settled in really well. I wanted to get a few of my thoughts about how it’s gone down on paper, to show that changing sectors within recruitment can be on your cards if you want it to be.
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Fundraising for Brain Tumour Research: 6 months in

Fundraising for Brain Tumour Research: 6 months in

We chose Brain Tumour Research as our charity of the year for 2024. Brain tumours are an urgently underfunded disease, one which our Business Manager, Hannah Bateman, has experienced personally when her father, Gavin, was diagnosed with a brain tumour in December 2022, sadly passing away in May of 2023. As you can imagine, fundraising for the charity that has helped Hannah and her family endlessly through this ordeal is very close to our hearts.
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Faith Collins: Celebrating Nine Years with Sewell Wallis

Faith Collins: Celebrating Nine Years with Sewell Wallis

Faith is fast heading towards her 10-year anniversary at Sewell Wallis. As she crosses her nine-year mark, we asked her to reflect on this significant milestone, tell us why she’s stayed with the business so long, discuss the ups and downs, and ponder on what else she wants to accomplish during her time here.
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The True Cost of Counter Offers

The True Cost of Counter Offers

Anyone who manages people has been there: a valuable employee is resigning, the panic is setting in, what do you do? You counter offer them to convince them to stay. This might seem like a logical solution to get the potential leaver to stick around, and avoid the costs associated with hiring their replacement, but counter offers can, more often than not, lead to unintended consequences that can cause long-term damage to your business.
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What sets Sewell Wallis apart from all the rest?

What sets Sewell Wallis apart from all the rest?

We're celebrating our Director, Kayley Haythornthwaite's 11 year anniversary, and chatting to her about what makes Sewell Wallis different from other recruitment businesses in the region.
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