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Hannah Sharp (née Bateman)

Hannah Sharp (née Bateman)

Senior Manager | Part-Qualified and Newly Qualified Finance

Hannah is our Business Manager based in the Sheffield office, managing the Transactional Finance team alongside recruiting on a desk of her own.

She started her recruitment career in call centre recruitment but coming from a whole family of Accountants, when presented with the opportunity to work within a role relating to Finance, it felt like a great opportunity to be able to join the dinner table conversation every once in a while!

Her idea of a perfect day consists of a long dog walk in the sunshine with her partner and their dog Albie, finished off by a hearty pub lunch, then home for a horror film with a family sized tub of ice cream!

What is your specialism?

I specialise in recruiting for part and newly qualified finance professionals across South Yorkshire and North Derbyshire.

What’s your favourite thing about your job?

I love my job – I get to manage a brilliant team where it’s a genuine privilege to support and witness their growth and development.

I love my specialism because this point in a candidates career is so pivotal. It’s a really important time for them to find the right role to set them on their trajectory for the future. It means that I get to speak with people consistently who show enthusiasm, dedication, drive and commitment! 

What makes you laugh the most?

Unfortunately my mum, my sister and myself all have the same weakness here. We tend to get in trouble because what makes us all laugh the most is the other two laughing. It usually happens somewhere completely inappropriate and once we’ve started there is no stopping us. We’ve had to leave pilates, theatre and multiple cinema screenings before. It’s highly inconvenient!!

Blogs by Hannah

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Transitioning to Finance recruitment: three months in

Transitioning to Finance recruitment: three months in

It’s been three months since Inci joined my team at Sewell Wallis – it’s absolutely flown over, and she’s settled in really well. I wanted to get a few of my thoughts about how it’s gone down on paper, to show that changing sectors within recruitment can be on your cards if you want it to be.
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